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Meet the 1st ever Pollination Science Company

Experience the next frontier in pollination services to enhance production and fruit quality.


Beeflow provides
end-to-end pollination management, including:


Discover Beeflow's work

Learn firsthand how Beeflow applies proprietary bee feeding technologies and scientific knowledge to crop pollination.

Filmed in partnership with the US Highbush Blueberry Council (BerrySmart Field project).

Beeflow's value

Beeflow manages pollination in the following crops:

Icon Almonds

Beeflow ensures more pollination hours even at lower temperatures with more efficient beehives.

Tailor-made design, execution and pollination management.

Icon Blueberries

Beeflow ensures consistency in fruit quality throughout the harvest.

Increase fruit set and fruit weight with optimal pollination.

Icon Raspberries

Improve your volume of marketable fruit.


Pollination season timeline

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Beeflow pollination experts visit your farm:

Beeflow needs to understand your current pollination situation.

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Tailor-made pollination design:

Beeflow tackles your farm's specific needs.

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Beehives selection and feeding with proprietary technologies:

Together with the beekeeper (yours or a partner of Beeflow's pollinator network) Beeflow strengthens the beehives prior to the blooming season, feeding them with proprietary bee technologies.
6 weeks prior to bloom.

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Your Pollination Program kick off:

Beeflow's team meets the farm’s team to align on all processes for the upcoming season.
2 weeks prior to bloom.

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Beehives delivery and management:

Beeflow coordinates the deliveries of the hives according to the blooming stage and manages hives with proprietary training technology to boost pollination.
Timing based on bloom.

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Measure to manage and improve:

Beeflow regularly monitors bloom, pollination efficiency, hive quality and bee activity to ensure an optimal pollination.
Blooming time.

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End of season:

Beeflow coordinates the removal of hives and presents a final report to the grower.


Beeflow measures pollination to manage it efficiently, ensuring consistent bee visitation to target flowers with less hives, thanks to proprietary bee feeding technologies and pollination expertise.

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Success stories

See how Beeflow is transforming the landscape of agriculture, one farm at a time