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Success Stories

Beeflow's technologies & pollination expertise have empowered growers to overcome pollination challenges and unlock new tools for crop management and harvest forecasts.


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success stories

Beeflow's impact: Ensure more pollination hours

Beeflow's impact: Consistency in bee visitation to flowers to achieve to consistency in fruit quality during harvest

Beeflow's impact: Improve the volume of high quality fruit

Flag United States
United States
Icon Success Stories
years pollinating California's almond crops
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more flights at suboptimal temperatures
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more effective hives
1.5 hives to achieve same visitation frequency than 2 hives
Data collected from +14 commercial trials from 2018 to 2023, CA, USA.
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Flag United States
United States
Icon Success Stories
years improving blueberry pollination
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higher bee activity
Icon Success Stories
more visits to blueberry flowers
Icon Success Stories
higher fruit weight
Compared to conventional pollination in 36 field trials from 2020 to 2023 (PNW region).
Flag Peru
Icon Success Stories
years improving blueberry pollination
Icon Success Stories
higher bee activity
Icon Success Stories
more visits to blueberry flowers
Icon Success Stories
higher fruit weight
Compared to conventional pollination in 7 commercial trials from 2020 to 2023  (La Libertad, Lambayeque, Ica).
Flag Mexico
Icon Success Stories
years improving blueberry pollination
Icon Success Stories
higher bee activity
Icon Success Stories
more visits to blueberry flowers
Icon Success Stories
higher fruit weight
Compared to conventional pollination in 6 commercial trials from 2019 to 2023(Jalisco).
Bg image section Success Stories
Flag United States
United States
Icon Success Stories
more visits to flowers
Icon Success Stories
high quality berries
Icon Success Stories
Data from 7 Beeflow pollinated plots compared to 3 grower standard plots (Oxnard, CA).
Flag Mexico
Icon Success Stories
berry weight
Icon Success Stories
high quality berries
Data from 3 Beeflow pollinated plots 2023 (Jalisco).
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Meet the institutions and researchers who validated Beeflow's impact

Testing the efficacy of Beeflow’s bee nutrition technology in stressed and less-stressed systems.

Image usda

In conjunction with studies on honey bee colony performance at the USDA ARS honey bee health lab in Davis, CA.

Feb 2022 - Jan 2023

The mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication/presentation is not a recommendation or endorsement by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender

Colonies fed the Beeflow diet:

Maintained larger populations over time.
Had a 2x likelihood of survival over the course of the year, especially with limited natural forage.
Went into winter dormancy with larger populations than those fed a standard diet, contributing to greater overwintering success for those colonies.

Beeflow reduced bee population loss over time:

Hive Grade over time:
Commercial crop environment
Image data
Hive Grade over time:
Static environment (Apiary)
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Within each group, colonies were either fed the Beeflow diet (solid lines) or standard ‘pro-sweet’ sugar-syrup (dashed lines).  Frame counts could range from 0-16 frames of bees within any single hive.

Effect of Beeflow on Highbush Blueberry Pollination in Northwest Washington

Image profileImage Washington State

“Our interpretation to date is that Beeflow is a promising technology”

Dr. Lisa Wasko DeVetter
Washington State University

Two years of results (2021-2022): Beeflow technologies offered:

Icon Third Party Validations
Higher bee activity (suboptimal temperatures)
Icon Third Party Validations
Higher visitation frequency
Icon Third Party Validations
Higher fruit weight
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higher fruit weight
higher fruit weight