Pollination is not only a bee topic, it is a plant science topic. Pollination happens inside flower's ovaries. Multiple pollination challenges limit the amount of pollen the flowers receive. At Beeflow we developed technologies that increase the amount of bee visits to target flowers. We have identified 3 main pollination challenges:
There hasn't been any tools for growers to accurately measure pollination.
We developed a pollination efficiency dashboard with our data collection information. Data analysis helps growers and our team to make pollination and crop management decisions to maintain optimal pollination.
-Bloom KPIs: Floral offer, temperature, bee activity, visitation frequency, hive quality and density.
-Harvest KPIs: Fruit set, fruit weight and fruit caliber, # of seeds (depending on the crop).
- Ensure pollination consistency along the blooming season, based on live pollination analytics.
- New tool to support crop management decisions.
-Improve accuracy of harvest forecasts.
Growers lose many hours of pollination during the bloom due to suboptimal temperatures. Loosing pollination hours means lower bee visitation to target flowers affecting pollination efficiency.
Beeflow’s nutritional supplement is a plant-based molecule that strenghtens beehives and enhances bees performance and activity while pollinating, specially under suboptimal temperatures (Below 57°F - 14°C).
7X more flights under 57°F (14°C) performed by Beeflow bees fed with our proprietary nutrition technology.
-Increased cold tolerance: More flights under cold temperatures.
-Higher bee activity with healthier bees.
-More efficient bees!
Grower's standard vs. Beeflow hives (same conditions) in Almond fields, California.
There can be other blooms surrounding our target crop, with more nectar and more pollen, or that can be easier to pollinate because of the flower morphology.
A scented formulation of plant-based molecules that trains bees' memory to pollinate specific target crops.
We introduce the specific scent of the crop in bees' diets (specific flowers volatile compounds) to guide bees to the crop. Olfaction is the first floral cue that plants deploy to attract bees to visit their flowers.
Beeflow bees fed with ToBEE training technology transported 2.5x more pollen between target flowers.
Maximizes visitation frequency rates and pollen deposition in target the crop flowers.